So Much Change

Literally, everyone’s lives have been thrown on its head.  So many of us have had to recreate our working life and our home life. Plans cancelled. Routines changed.  Hiding in the bedroom to get work done.  Work hours lost and for others work stress doubled. 

I have recently retreated to the patio in our backyard.  It is not very pretty, yet it is newly the most beautiful place in my world.  God meets me there.  Along with all the birds!  If I am outside & supply ample feed, I can count on my little companions arriving each morning.  However, I can’t catch them or take a close-up selfie.  

You know the Spirit of God works that way.  We set aside the time and create the sacred place.  We come with his Word, ready to listen and He is faithful. We can’t catch the Spirit in a bottle, but we know when He shows up.  Last week, I read two paragraphs written ten years ago in a book, waiting for me to directly hear GOD ‘S VOICE! Wow, God is good.

So here is my thought.  In this time of re-inventing our routines of work, family and time at home, I suggest these things:

1)      Expect less of yourself.  You can’t be the perfect parent and accomplish the same amount of work in a completely new pandemic environment.  Take a break from your work and enjoy the people in your life.

2)      Expect more of God.  Slow down & seek Him.  We can’t explain all that is happening.  It is too complex of a problem.  However, millions of people in the World are downloading the YouVersion Bible.  Neighbors are open to new conversations.  Any interest into their needs can build new bridges of sympathy and trust.

3)      Get rid of your worst habit.  Eating too much?  Too much TV?  Waste of time video games?  Pornography?  Worry?  Whatever it is, don’t believe the lie any longer.  That habit has not fulfilled you and it never will. Let’s surrender to the Spirit. It is the first day of the month after all.

4)      Invest in the best idea you have. Whatever hobby, idea, act of compassion or walks with your spouse. Try something new and embrace the joy that follows. God is working among us.

May God bless your community and keep us safe.