Welcome to The Shield! Investing in the youth is among the absolute highest of priorities here at Deerbrook. They are the future of not only our church-family but of our world as well. We consider it an incredible privilege and opportunity to be directly involved in the lives of so many amazing teenagers and witness them bloom into compassionate, faithful followers of Christ. God has blessed us abundantly with a vibrant and growing group of students.

The Shield is a home-away-from-home for all junior high and high school age students. Our youth group family here is a place for a student to belong, to be known and cared for… and to have a lot of fun! We gather weekly to connect in friendship, learn about Jesus' roll in our life, and play hard together. Please learn more about us below and then come hang out with us. You are invited!


Shield Youth Group
Wednesday Nights

Deerbrook Youth Church
Sunday Mornings

My name is Preston LaFollette. I am the Youth Director for Shield Student Ministries. I have been a part of the team since 2011.  My wife and I have three sons. The students in our youth group are considered by us to be extended family. And why shouldn't they be? We hang out every week. We play together, learn together, laugh together, grow together, pray together. The Shield is a family that anyone can be a part of and lean on for support in whatever they are facing in life. 

In fact, this is a big part of what The Shield represents. Our mission here, inspired by the Armor of God in Ephesians 6:10-20, is to EQUIP every student with the tools they need to live in direct relationship with God. The Shield is one piece of the armor as a whole that represents our shared faith. And just as every piece in a suit of armor does its part and depends on the other pieces to do the same... every one of us in this family plays a role and depends on each other from time to time. The Shield is a symbol of a family bound in the same journey by the faith that gives us all life.

Contact Preston with questions:

This Is Us!