
Most mornings, we miss the brilliance.

Yet indeed, the glory is there.

Beautiful, ever different.

A spectacular display of grace.

The faithful promise of the Lord.

“I am here with you – you are not alone.”

Brilliant warmth and a gentle breeze.

Sand slides through the hourglass.

This new day, like every day holds valuable purpose.

What can be accomplished, this day, like no other?

The leaves whisper, the Spirit is moving.

“I have plans for you – and they are good.”

Yet, evil prepares to rob us.

Liars & thieves, cruel greedy men tear our country apart.

And sickness steals our stamina.

The wood bird houses are empty now.

Red leaves warn of the approaching winter.

And we acknowledge, “Sadness is coming.”

No sunrise is ever the same.

While the sun is always the star,

it’s the clouds that determine the view.

Significant subtle change hides in our daily routines.

And even in the darkest of shadows, wisdom declares –

“The Son is always with you.”