Another New Start

Our human experience is organized by marking the passing of time.  We celebrate birthdays and anniversaries.  We follow God’s lead by organizing our work into a schedule of seven days. (Genesis 2:1-3)   We track the passing of months and years.  We are refreshed by the change of seasons. (Psalm 104:19ff)

I am often inspired by the first day of the month. As I close the chapter of last month, I review my progress with my walk with the Lord.  I forgive myself where I may have fallen short and set new spiritual goals.  I turn and am inspired to accomplish better things in the coming month.  This is day one.

 The first day of the month offers us a clean slate.  It reminds us of another chance to clean out the clutter and focus on what is important.  We will not submit to fears and anxiety.  We will trust in the Lord.

Today, October’s first day of the month is particularly noteworthy as a significant change in weather promises to bring us Autumn even tomorrow.  The children are fitting into the rhythm of the school year.  The sports seasons changed this very week.  Fall is here.

I encourage you to take time today, this first day of the month, to speak with God.  Set aside 20 minutes to read & pray.  Pick out a new book or devotional to read.  Set new goals, resolve to forgive, press on and pledge to think better thoughts.  (Phil. 4:8)

How we spend this month defines our contribution to the world.

Where will God lead you this month?  (Psalm 143:10-12)

What can we accomplish in the next 30 days?  (Revelation 7:17)