Men & Women's Conference
Men & Women's Conference
Session 1: Friday Evening 6:00-8:30 pm
"GRACE and the Pressure of PERFORMANCE"
Session 2:Sat. Morning 9:00-11:30 am
"GRACE and the Pressure of PROVISION"
Session 3: Sat. Afternoon 1:30-4:00 pm
"GRACE and the Pressure of PARENTING"
Sunday Morning Service 10 AM
"How We Make Grace Less Than Amazing"
[SELECT Event Registration, Click ADD TO CART, Click CART in the upper right corner to finish your purchase.]
An opportunity to hear from Michael & Hayley DiMarco, who are the best-selling authors of more than forty books, including Own It, Die Young, God Girl, God Guy, House of Grace and The Fruitful Wife. For more info see the
Limited Childcare available with advance registration: $15 per child for all sessions, with a $30 maximum fee per family. Contact Kit at (816) 914-5358 or Charlotte at (816) 739-8665.
Conference held at Deerbrook Covenant Church, 200 NE Tudor Road, Lee's Summit, MO 64086.
We will provide snacks; lunch on Saturday is on your own.