Our church families' faithful support of Deerbrook make it possible for us to contribute to our community. We have a multitude of ministries we support in Lee's Summit, our broader communities and even global outreach. We could not accomplish our goals as a body of Christ without you. We always strive to be good stewards of the financial support you choose to give. Thank you for your donations.

Click the link above to give a one-time gift to Deerbrook Covenant Church or to set up regular recurring commitments to be automatically drafted from your checking account. You may set up a draft to contribute weekly, bi-monthly, semi-monthly, monthly or in any other frequency.

This method is safe, secure and you won’t have to worry about writing a check each week or mailing an offering when you are away. You can use this online giving method to tithe, give to the building fund or give toward any other authorized purpose you specify.

You may also use text-to-give. All you need to do is text the dollar amount you would like to give to 816-892-4628. It will then prompt you to put in your credit/debit card information.