Current SERIES
Sunday 3/23/25 10 am
Deerbrook Bulletin 3/21-3/23 Click Here.
Deerbrook Bulletin 3/14-3/16 Click Here.
During Spring & Summer 2025, we will be resuming our study of Romans (10-16), Paul’s most thorough theological masterpiece. We will discover how the ‘new way of the Spirit' connects us to the righteousness of God revealed by faith. Small group material can be found here.
John described himself as “the disciple that Jesus loved” and then emphasized love over-and-over-again in his writings to the church. In John’s gospel, John records the agony of the crucifixion. After being beaten, mocked and crucified, Jesus’ mother and other women who have supported his ministry are standing near Jesus. Also among them is John who has learned about love firsthand from knowing Jesus.
On the cross, Jesus has already forgiven those who crucified him and had promised paradise for the criminal who asked to be remembered by Jesus. Here, we witness yet another act of compassion from Jesus. He connects his mother Mary and John the disciple together for the rest of her life. Here is Jesus in the worst of times, still showing compassion and caring about others. Wow, we have so much to learn about love.
For this is the message you heard from the beginning: We should love one another. This is how we know what love is: Jesus Christ laid down his life for us. And we ought to lay down our lives for our brothers and sisters. - I John 3: 11, 16
Our Facebook Live broadcasts Sunday services. Find our online service here. Sermon podcasts are now available on multiple platforms.
Sermon podcasts are now available on multiple platforms.
Worship Services ONLINE, Sundays 10:00 AM.
Children's Adventure Club & SHIELD Youth Group, Wednesdays 6:30 PM.
200 NE Tudor Road, Lee’s Summit MO